This number is called Ten Thousand... What? Ten Thousand?
The number 10,000 or the number one thousand ten times.
Ten thousand and one, ten thousand and two, ...
ten million, ten thousand and ten
There is no greatest number. Given any number with the digit 3 in the ten thousand place, it is always possible to add a billion (for example). That would still leave the 3 in the ten thousand place but would be a greater number.
This number is called Ten Thousand... What? Ten Thousand?
The number 10,000 or the number one thousand ten times.
Ten thousand and one, ten thousand and two, ...
It is then 410,000 when rounded to the nearest ten thousand
Any number, however big (or small) can be rounded to the nearest ten thousand. 0, rounded to the nearest ten thousand is 0 5001 rounded to the nearest ten thousand is 10,000 123,123,123,123,123,123 rounded to the nearest ten thousand is 123,123,123,123,120,000 and so on.
ten million, ten thousand and ten
The number 10001 is "ten thousand one" (also ten thousand and one).
165,131 rounded to the nearest ten thousand is 170,000.
Oh, dude, the digit in the ten thousand place is, like, the fourth digit from the right in a five-digit number. So, if you have a number like 25,684, the digit in the ten thousand place is 6. But, you know, who really cares about the ten thousand place anyway?
There is no greatest number. Given any number with the digit 3 in the ten thousand place, it is always possible to add a billion (for example). That would still leave the 3 in the ten thousand place but would be a greater number.
The number 7,681,900 rounded to the nearest ten thousand is 7,680,900.