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The divisor or denominator

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Q: What is the number you use to divide by called?
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What is the number by which you divide?

The number you use to divide an equation is called the divisor. For example, 10 ÷ 5 = 2, where 5 is the divisor.

What is the number you divide into called?

The number you divide into is called the divisor.

A number that can divide into another number is called?


When you divide you divide the?

The answer you get when you divide is called the quotient.It is the number on top of the whole division problem.

What number used to divide is called the?


When is a number called a factor number?

A number is called a factor when it can divide evenly into another number with no remainder. Integers only.

What is a divider use for in maths?

a number that divide an other number

What is it called when you multiply or divide two quantities by the same number?

Scaling is when you multiply or divide two quantities by the same number.

Numder use to divide a number?


What is the number called that is being used to divide?

The divisor

What is the number that you divide by in a division problem is called the?


How do you divide a small whole number by a bigger number?

use a calculator