196/100 or 196/100 or 124/25
How about: 191+5 = 196 which are both prime numbers
The two numbers that multiply to give 196 are 14 and 14. This is because 14 multiplied by 14 equals 196 (14 x 14 = 196). In mathematical terms, we say that 14 is the square root of 196, denoted as √196 = 14.
14*14 = 196
98 X 2 = 196
196/100 or 196/100 or 124/25
How about: 191+5 = 196 which are both prime numbers
The two numbers that multiply to give 196 are 14 and 14. This is because 14 multiplied by 14 equals 196 (14 x 14 = 196). In mathematical terms, we say that 14 is the square root of 196, denoted as √196 = 14.
196= 191=5
14*14 = 196
98 X 2 = 196
The Prime Factors of 196 are 2, 7
196 can be divided evenly by these numbers: 1 2 4 7 14 28 49 98 and 196.
As a product of its prime factors: 2*2*7*7 = 196
As a product of its prime factors: 2*2*7*7 = 196
196 is not a prime number; it is divisible by several numbers such as 2, 4, and others.