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Multiplicand times multiplier equals product.

If the expression includes a variable, the numerical factor is the coefficient.

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Q: What is the numerical factor of a multipication expression?
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What is the numerical factor of a multiplication expression?

the coefficient

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What is a numerical factor of a multiplication expression?

Multiplicand times multiplier equals product. If the expression has a variable, the numerical factor of the variable is the coefficient.

What are the example of the numerical coefficient?

In mathematics, a numerical coefficient is a constant factor in a term of an algebraic expression. For example, in the term 5x, the numerical coefficient is 5. In the expression 2y^2, the numerical coefficient is 2. Numerical coefficients can be positive, negative, integers, fractions, or even irrational numbers.

What is the numerical expression for 5.8?

5.8 is a numerical expression.

What does numerical expressions mean?

A Numerical Expression is an expression only using numbers.

What is the number that multiplies a variable?

The number that multiplies a variable in an algebraic expression is called a coefficient. It is the numerical factor that is multiplied by the variable to form a term in the expression.

What is the difference between a numerical expression and a variable expression?

A variable expression includes variables.

What is an example of a numerical expression and a variable expression?

learn it lol i get my answers from here numerical expression = lo variable expression = 02

What is a numerical expression when you replace it with it's single numerical value?

A numerical expression is ' 2 + 3' A numerical equation is ' 2 + 3 = 5'.