Pi is an irrational number and so its value cannot be expressed as a ratio of two integers nor as a terminating or recurring decimal. To 5 decimal places, it is 3.14159. Pi has been calculated to 10 trillion (and 50) decimal places.
3.1415926536 is to 10 places but not exact. The only exact value of pi is pi itself. So any exact answer involving pi would include pi in the answer.
3.14159The 9 was just in-caseHere is the value of PI to 10 decimal places:3.1415926536For four decimal places keep in mind you want to round the 5 up, so 3.1416.Answer+MoreTo the 18th decimal place pi is 3.1415926535897932383.141592 is very close to 3.1416 so pi to the fourth decimal place is in fact, 3.1416.
3.14159 26535 89792
Pi is an irrational number and so its value cannot be expressed as a ratio of two integers nor as a terminating or recurring decimal. To 5 decimal places, it is 3.14159. Pi has been calculated to 10 trillion (and 50) decimal places.
3.14159292035398 rounded to 10 decimal places is 3.1415929204
3.1415926536 is to 10 places but not exact. The only exact value of pi is pi itself. So any exact answer involving pi would include pi in the answer.
3.14159The 9 was just in-caseHere is the value of PI to 10 decimal places:3.1415926536For four decimal places keep in mind you want to round the 5 up, so 3.1416.Answer+MoreTo the 18th decimal place pi is 3.1415926535897932383.141592 is very close to 3.1416 so pi to the fourth decimal place is in fact, 3.1416.
I'm not sure what you are asking as √(10√720) is an exact value for which the approximate numerical value is 16.38072518 rounded to 8 decimal places (or 10 significant figures). √(10√720) is a surd which represents an irrational number (for which the decimal representation is non-terminating and non-repeating); it can be "simplified": √(10√720) = √(10√(2^4×3^2)) = √(10×2^2×3√5) = 2√(30√5).
Exponent values, like decimal places, are based on powers of 10.