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There are opposites of some adverbs and adjectives. The idea of "opposites" is conceptually weak and not all words have opposites.

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Q: What is the opposite of 'component'?
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It is not the "opposite" but the major alternative to parallel, which is a series circuit. In parallel circuits, each component has its own circuit path (input to output), while in series the components are connected to one another in a line.

What is the opposite of a parallel circuit?

It is not the "opposite" but the major alternative to parallel, which is a series circuit. In parallel circuits, each component has its own circuit path (input to output), while in series the components are connected to one another in a line.

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Take the component of the acceleration along the direction the object is moving. If this component is positive (the acceleration vector, or the relevant component, points in the same direction as the movement), then the object is speeding up.

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The y component of velocity can be found using trigonometry. Since the angle is 60 degrees, the formula to calculate the y component of velocity is: y component = x component * tan(angle). Given the x component of velocity as 5 m/s and the angle of 60 degrees, the y component of velocity is approximately 8.66 m/s.

Is discrete is a type of resistor?

A discrete component is one where the package contains only one circuit element. The opposite is an "integrated circuit" (aka a "silicon chip" or "chip") where a package contains many circuit elements. It's not that "discrete" is a type of resistor, it's that a resistor is a type of discrete component.

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component one component two component three component four component five

What are the component of self?

1. Perceptual component. 2. Conceptual component. 3. Attitudinal component.

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electrical component, mechanical component, functional component and procedural component

If one component of a vector A is zero along the direction of another vector B then in what direction the two vectors will be?

If one component of vector A is zero along the direction of vector B, it means the two vectors are orthogonal or perpendicular to each other. Their directions would be such that they are at a right angle to each other.