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Q: What is the opposite of environment?
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What is the opposite of incubate?

The opposite of incubate is expel or eject, as in removing something from a controlled environment.

How do guppies respond to their environment?

Good environment they are exploratory and active swimming around and generally being active. Bad environment they are the opposite.

What is ruralization?

rural is the natural environment and the opposite of the city life

What is a antonym for the word environment?

Nouns do not have opposites; 'ecosystem' is a noun. Therefore, ecosystem does not have an opposite. If nouns don't have an opposite... well, "top" is the opposite of "bottom", and they are referring to locations, hence they are nouns.

What is the opposite of arid?

The opposite of arid is humid or wet, describing an environment that is damp or moist rather than dry.

What does over hunting do to the environment?

it causes other animals in the environment to over populate or have the opposite effect and die off from lack of food.

What a flamingo environment look like?

They prefer alkaline (the opposite of acid) waters

What does tree stabber mean?

The opposite of a tree hugger, someone who Does not care for the environment.

How you understand reality or the awareness of aspects of your environment through sensesthe opposite of imagination?

The answer is perception.

An animal that can move freely around in its environment is called?

mobile, the opposite (antonym) is sessile.

What is opposite to environmental?

Antithetical to environmental would be non-environmental or destructive to the environment.

How you understand reality or the awareness of aspects of your environment through senses the opposite of imagination?

Perception I think