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Q: What is the order of magnitude in a length of a pencil?
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What is the order of magnitude in a 120minute feature length movie?

An order of magnitude, in the decimal system, is ten times greater or smaller than what you are comparing it with. A 120 minute film would be an order of magnitude larger than a 12 minute film.

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The length of a pencil is best measured in?

The length of a pencil is best measured in centimeters

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Can the magnitude of a vector have a negative vector?

No because magnitude is like length and you cannot have negative length

What is the pencil length?

The standard length for a pencil is about 7 inches.

How can simultaneous vectors be combined to form a resultant vector using pencil and paper?

Start with a point O. Draw a line OA in the direction of the first vector and whose length represents the magnitude of that vector (to some scale). From A, draw the line AB in the direction of the second vector and whose length represents the magnitude of that second vector (to the same scale). Then the direction and length of the straight line OB represent the direction and (to the same scale) the magnitude of the resultant vector.

Length of pencil?

it is o

What is the order of magnitude of the length of a pencil in inches?

I have a variety of new pencils, they range fro 6 to 8 inches long. It depends on manufacturer.

What was the magnitude length and damage of the earthquake in china?

the magnitude is 7.9 the Length is: 24 Time:2-10 mintues

What is the length Magnitude and damage of the 1939 Chile earthquake?

the magnitude is 111.2 the length is 24 days and the damage there was no damage