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Q: What is the order of magnitude of a number less than 10?
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The number of family members would be in the ones; the order of magnitude is 0.

Explain two ways you can use a number line to order the integers –3, +1, and –10?

Sample Response: Order by value: On a number line, the integers to the left are less than the integers to the right. Order by magnitude: On a number line, the integers farther from zero have a greater magnitude. Least to greatest value: –10, –3, +1. Least to greatest magnitude: +1, –3, –10.

What is the mix number of 0.66?

Since the magnitude number is less than 1, there is no mixed number to represent 0.66

What is the definition of magnitude in scientific terms?

Magnitude is a number assigned to the ratio of some quality such as mass, brightness, etc., of two or more subjects. The number of magnitudes that the qualities of the subjects differ is specified as a power of 10, thus qualities are of the same order of magnitude if one is less than 10 times the other.

What is 0.425 as a mixed number?

0.425 is a number whise magnitude is less than 1. It cannot, therefore, be expressed as a mixed number.

What magnitude is not possible when a vector of a magnitude of 3 is added to a vector of a magnitude of 4?

It is not possible to obtain a vector with a magnitude of 7 when adding vectors of magnitude 3 and 4. The resultant magnitude will be between 1 and 7, as the triangle inequality states that the magnitude of the sum of two vectors is less than or equal to the sum of their magnitudes.

How do you convert a proper fraction with no whole number into an improper fraction?

An improper fraction has a magnitude greater than 1,a proper fraction has a magnitude less than 1.Consequently, there is no possible solution to the question.

If you multiply a non zero whole number by a decimal less than one would the product be less than or greater than the whole number?

It depends on the signs of the two numbers.The answer is tricky when at least one number is negative because you have to remember that "less than" means "farther to the left on the number line" and NOT "greater in magnitude". E.g. -20 is less than -4 because -20 is farther to the left even though its magnitude (absolute value) is greater.There are four possible cases:Whole number and decimal are both positive: The product is less than the whole number. The decimal reduces the magnitude of the product, so the product is to the left of the whole number on the number line. E.g. 0.5 * 10 = 5, which is less than 10.Whole number positive, decimal negative. The product less than the whole number. A negative times a positive is ALWAYS negative, so regardless of its magnitude the product is to the left of the positive whole number on the number line. E.g. 15 * (-0.2) = -3 and -3 < 15Whole number negative, decimal negative. The product is greater than the whole number. The product is negative but like in Case 1, the magnitude of the product is smaller, so the product is to the right of the whole number on the number line. E.g. (-8) * 0.3 = -2.4 and -8 < -2.4Whole number negative, decimal negative. The product is greater than the whole number. A negative times a negative is positive, and ANY positive number is always greater than any negative number regardless of magnitude. E.g. (-0.25) * (-12) = +3 and -12 < +3

Is -13 bigger than 12.5?

The magnitude of -13 is bigger than the magnitude of 12, but -13 is less than 12.

What is .065 as a mixed number?

It can't be one. Mixed numbers are greater than one.

What is a fraction or mixed number as a decimal for one fifth?

One fifth is 1/5 or 0.2 but, since the magnitude of the number is less than 1, there can be no mixed number.

How do i change 0.06 into a decimal and as a mixed number?

0.06 is a decimal number. Also, since its magnitude is less than 1, there is no sensible way of representing it as a mixed number.