60 = sixty.
The ordinal number of 43 is 43rd and the ordinal word is forty-third.
The ordinal number of 22 is 22nd and the ordinal word is twenty-second.
60 = sixtieth or 60th
60th (sixtieth).
The ordinal word form of 60 is: sixtieth
The ordinal word form for 60 is: sixtieth
The ordinal word is sixtieth. There is no ordinal number.
60th or sixtieth.
60 = sixty.
60th or sixtieth.
60th OR sixtieth.
The ordinal number of 43 is 43rd and the ordinal word is forty-third.
The ordinal number of 22 is 22nd and the ordinal word is twenty-second.
60 = sixtieth or 60th