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Q: What is the ordinate of a point lies on x -axis?
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What is the ordinate of a point on the x axis?

(x, 0)

How do you use ordinate in a sentence?

Keep in mind that 'ordinate' is a noun and refers to the distance between a point and the x-axis on a Cartesian plane, or the y-coordinate of the point. You could say, then, "The ordinate of point A is (blank)," which would refer to the distance from point A to the x-axis, or if you want to assure that there is no confusion, "The ordinate of point A to the x-axis is (blank)." To my knowledge, that is the only use for the word 'ordinate.'

What is the ordinate of any point on the x-axis?

It is 0.

Is the x axis the same as the ordinate?

No the x axis is the abscissa and the y axis the ordinate.

When a point lies on the y axis what do you know about its x axis?

If a point lies on the y axis, then x=0

What does it mean when the x coordinate or y coordinate of a point is 0?

When the X - Coordinate is 0: The point lies on Y - Axis. Eg. (0,3) lies on Y - Axis Eg. (0,5) lies on Y - Axis Eg. (0,1) lies on Y - Axis When the Y - Coordinate is 0: The point lies on X - Axis. Eg. (2,0) lies on X - Axis Eg. (3,0) lies on X - Axis Eg. (6,0) lies on X - Axis

Is the x cordinate of a point on the y axis zero?

yes, any point " on the y-axis" has its x co-ordinate as zero.

Where would a point lie if its ordinate is 0?

If the point's ordinate, or y-coordinate, is zero then it must lie on the x-axis somewhere.

Why is the 'X' co-ordinate written first in the co-ordinate of a point?

Because the x axis is horizontal and the y axis is vertical and they both are perpendicular to each other at the point of origin (0, 0)

What is the x coordinate of the point given below?

I cannot see the graph. I'm assuming the point is on a coordinate graph. Without seeing the graph, the x coordinate cannot be found but I can give a little advice. When reading coordinates, the x coordinate (or x-ordinate to be exact) is the first number in the ordered pair (x,y). To remember this, think alphabetically, x comes before y. On a coordinate plane, to find the x-ordinate you need to count how far left/right the point is from y axis (up /down axis). Given graph paper makes this easier. If you do not have graph paper, draw a line straight up and down from the point until your line reaches the x axis (left/right axis) and then read the number where your line intersects the x-axis, this is your x ordinate. If your point is to the right of the y-axis, the x ordinate would be positive; if to the left of the y-axis, your x-ordinate would be negative; if your point is on the y axis; your x-ordinate is 0.

What is the another name for the x-axis?

The abscissa.It as a word that means the X axis, or the distance a point if from it.

A point having a negative abscissa and negative ordinate is in quadrant?

Coordinate is the common name. Abscissa is used for the information along the X-axis. Ordinate is used for the information along Y-axis. So abscissa is the x co-ordinate, and ordinate is the y co-ordinate. As they are both negative, then the point must be located in the third quadrant.