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The English word samurai was directly transferred from the Japanese word samurai in 1727.

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Q: What is the origin of the word 'samurai'?
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What is the origin of the word samurai?

"Samurai" (侍) comes from "侍う" (Saburau) to serve.

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There are 3 syllables in the word Samurai ... 'sam·u·rai

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Samurai is spelled "samouraï" in French.

How can you use the word samurai in a sentence?

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What is the word Samurai when translated from English to Japanese?

侍 /sa mu rai/ is originally a Japanese word. It means 'warrior, samurai' in English.

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What is the word Samurai in Japanese?

samuri is samuri in Japanese but the collective is bushi a samurai, many bushi

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When should the word samurai be capitalized?

The word "samurai" should be capitalized when it is used as a proper noun, such as when referring to a specific individual or group of samurai warriors. In general, when it is used as a title or part of a specific name, it should be capitalized. However, when used in a more general sense to refer to samurai as a social class or historical group, it is typically not capitalized.