There really isn't any other than the different types. Such as temporal, oral, etc.
Dependents Variable - Which Changes (depends on other factors)Example:- Thermometer the Scale Change according to Heat here mercury level in thermometer is a dependentIndependent - Which will not changes (isn't changed by the other variables)Example :- here same thermometer is a example here the heat is independent variable
clinical thermometer and lab thermometer
the sixth thermometer
invantor of digital thermometer
How is a thermometer like a number line?
iron thrass
That would be a thermometer.
what is the name of a thermometer which can measure low temperatures
A chocolate thermometer and a regular thermometer differ from each other by its size and sturdiness. The chocolate thermometer are much bigger than the regular thermometer so that it can withstand the extreme heat. The normal thermometer can withstand less heat than the other one.
A Thermometer is a Laboratory Equipment that measures temperature.
A device used to measure temperature is called a thermometer.
The instrument used to measure temperature is called a thermometer.
use a thermometer.We can feel how hot or cold something is. However, sometimes things are just too hot or cold for us to feel safely. At other times we need to know exactly how hot or cold something is. When we need to measure temperature correctly we need to use an instrument called a thermometer. This measures temperature in degrees Celsius [sometimes called centigrade] or degrees Fahrenheit. There are different types of thermometers for different situations. A medical thermometer, for example, needs to be very accurate. It measures in fractions of degrees. When we are ill, even tiny changes in temperature are important. Some thermometers use a liquid that moves up a very fine glass tube. Most room thermometers, and outdoor thermometers are like this. The liquid is either mercury [ which is poisonous] or coloured alcohol. As liquids get warmer they expand [get bigger], and move up the tube. Water expands too, but not as much as alcohol and mercury. Thermometers that might be used by small children are not made of glass. They use a digital display which lights up the temperature. Inside the displays are chemicals that change colour according to the temperature.
he named it Sammy
An accurate thermometer is independent of race. Being Asian, or of any other ethnic background does not affect the accuracy of a thermometer, or any other instrument.