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Q: What is the other word for in addition to what you say?
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Is by a addition or multiplication word?

In the USA, we usually say "by" when speaking of multiplication and division; hence "divide by" or multiply by." For addition we say "plus" or "add to." IM WRONG OKAY? DO NOT BELIEVE ME!

What are other ways to say add?

plus, more than addition

What is the other word for real what is the answer?

The other word for real you can say "true"

What do addition mean?

Other features; things that are added to the main thing. The word additional is similar to the word added.

What a other word for addition?

add, plus, more than, Sum, Mix, combine

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Hi is that a word?

Yes hi is a word because you can say it and other people say it and you can spell it.

What does supercalafradulisticexpealadosa mean?

A word to sya when you have no other word to say

What is a four letter word for in addition to?

A four letter word for 'in addition to' is also.

What is the word for addition in french?

une addition

What is the Luhya word for addition?

The African Luhya word for the English term 'addition' is "Okhumeta".

Is there another word instead of and?

yes there is another word exept "and" but the word can get boring . for instant if you wanted to say "i ate AND i drank" you can say "i ate ALSO i drank" this would hopefully answer your question .