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Q: What is the outcome of one event that does not depend on the outcome of another event?
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What is it when the outcome of one event does not depend on the outcome of another event?

Independence of the events.

What does it means for two events to be independent?

If two events are independent of one another, then the outcome of one event does not depend on the outcome of the other event. Example is flipping of two coins. The second coin is not dependent on the outcome of the first flip. But if you want to know if the two coins are the same (either both heads or both tails), then that outcome is dependent on the first coin and the second coin.

What is the event in which the outcome of one event does not influence the outcome of the other event?

Independent events.

What is the difference between simple events and complementary events?

Two events complementary when one event occurs if and only if the other does not. Simple event do not depend on other events, it consists of on and only one outcome Doctor Chuck aka mathdoc Two events complementary when one event occurs if and only if the other does not. Simple event do not depend on other events, it consists of on and only one outcome Doctor Chuck aka mathdoc

What is two events in which the outcome of one event does not affect the outcome of the other event?

Dependent event :)

What is the event of one outcome happening and that outcome not happening?

It is an impossible event - which has probability zero.

What is two or more events in which the outcome of one event does not effect the outcome of the other event?

One-way independence.

What is the difference between an outcome and an event?

An outcome is the result of a single trial. For example, if I roll a die, one outcome would be a six. An event is a collection of one or more outcomes. Using the example of rolling a die, an event might be rolling two sixes in a row. Thus this event is comprised of two outcomes - rolling and six and rolling another six.

How is an outcome different than a favorable outcome?

When the outcome consists of an event that is not the one you are looking for.

When one event changes the outcome of the next event it is called?

A dependent event

If an event has one outcome or a collection of outcomes is what kind of event?

It is still an event.

Can the probability of an outcome be greater that one?

No. The probability of an outcome (or event) is always a number between 0 and 1.