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Q: What is the outside length of a 24 foot circle?
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How many bricks do you need to make a 24 foot circle if each brick is 12 inches long?

The circumference of a circle with a 24 foot radius is 2*pi*24 = 150.8 ft (approx) The length of each brick is 12 inches = 1 foot. So 151 bricks are needed.

What is the circumference of a 24 foot round circle?

The circumference of a 24 foot diameter circle is about 758.4 feet. (C = d x Pi)

What is the square foot of 24 foot circle?

452.4 square feet.

24 foot across circle how many feet a round outside?

circumference = {pi} x diameter circumference = {pi} x 24ft ~= 75.4ft

How many square foot are in a 24 foot diameter circle?

74.4 ft2

What is the square foot of a 24 foot circle?

The square footage of a 24-foot circle is approximately 452.39 square feet. You can calculate this by using the formula for the area of a circle which is A = πr^2, where r is the radius of the circle (which in this case would be half of the diameter, so 12 feet).

How many square feet is in a 24 foot circle?

A circle with a diameter of 24 feet has an area of 452 square feet.

How many feet around is a 24' circle?

A 24-foot circle has a circumference of 24' x Pi or 75.36 feet, using 3.14 for Pi.

What is diameter of circle with 24 foot diameter?

24 feet - you answered your own question !

What is the radius of a 24 foot circle?

If the diameter of the circle is 24 feet, the radius is half that, or 12 feet. If the circumference of the circle is 24 feet, the radius is 24 divided by 2 divided by pi, or 3.82 feet.

How many linear feet in a 24 foot diameter circle?

Circumference of the circle in feet = 24*pi Area of the circle in square feet = pi*122

How many cubic feet are in a 24 foot circle 4.4 foot tall?

It depends on what you mean by a 24 foot circle: around it (circumference) or across it (diameter)? If circumference, then volume = 201.7 cubic ft If diameter, then 452.4 cubic feet.