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Q: What is the oval part of a note called?
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What are the shapes of music notes?

music notes shapes depending on the note if it is a quarter note then it is an filled in oval with a stem. if it is a whole note then it is a oval not filled in. if it is a third beat note(forgot what its called) then it is a oval(not filled) with a stem and a dot next to it.half note is an oval (not filled)with a stem on it. these are just the basics.

What are the parts of an oval?

part of track oval

What is the president's office is called?

The President's office is called the oval office.

What shape is the blue room in the white house?

Oval. It is called the Oval Office.

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oval lines

What is an elogated circle or oval shape called?

It is called an oval - which is not the same as an ellipse.

What is a 3d oval called?

A 3d oval is called an ovoid. Egg would work as well

What is the name of a 3d oval?

In science, a three-dimensional oval is called an ovoid. Less formally, a three-dimensional oval shape is called an egg.

What music note is equal to 1 note?

If you mean 1 beat then a quarter note. To draw a quater note you just draw an oval then a stem.

If a 3-D circle is called a sphere what is a 3-D oval called?

A three-dimensional oval is called an ovoid.

What was the cricket oval at Bowral called before it got its name The Bradman Oval?

It was called Glebe Park.

What is the flat map shape like an oval called?

A map in the shape of an oval is called the Mollweide Map.