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Q: What is the part of an aquifer in which the pores are partly filled with air and partly filled with water?
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True or fals Saturated zones are pores filled with air and unsaturated zones are pores filled with water?

False. Saturated zones are pores filled with water, while unsaturated zones have both water and air in the pores.

Where is the saturated zone located?

The saturated zone is located below the water table in an aquifer. It is the area where the pores and fractures in the rock or soil are completely filled with water. This zone is essential for providing groundwater as a resource for wells and springs.

Is an aquifer a permeable rock layer filled with water?

Yes, an aquifer is a permeable rock layer that can hold and transmit water underground. It typically consists of materials such as sand, gravel, or rock that can store and allow the flow of water through them.

What is the water filled spaces under ground?

The water-filled spaces underground are called aquifers. Aquifers are underground rock formations or sediments that hold and transmit water. They are an important source of groundwater for drinking water and irrigation.

What are the areas where all of the pores in the rock are filled with water?

This condition is known as saturated zone or water-saturated zone. It occurs in areas where all pores in the rock are filled with water, creating a water-saturated environment. Groundwater is typically found in the saturated zone.

What causes a collapse of an aquifer?

A collapse of an aquifer can be caused by over-extraction of water, leading to the water table dropping and the ground above sinking into the empty space. This can result in land subsidence and damage to infrastructure built above the aquifer. Natural processes like dissolution of soluble rocks can also cause collapses in certain geological conditions.

Upper surface of the area where all the pores in a rock are filled with water?

The water table.

Are the pores of the soil totally filled with water in the unsaturated zone?

No, in the unsaturated zone soil pores are not completely filled with water. This zone contains a mixture of water and air, with the soil pores holding both water and gases like oxygen and carbon dioxide. The water content in the unsaturated zone can vary depending on factors like precipitation, evaporation, and plant uptake.

What is the saturated?

the zone in rock layers where all the pores are filled with water

What is the upper surface of area where all the pores in a rock are filled with water?

it is called the water table

What is the upper surface of the area where all the pores in the rock are filled with water?

it is called the water table

What is the upper surface of the area where all the pores in a rock are filled the water?

it is called the water table