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Q: What is the pattern 4 5 7 11 19 35 67131?
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What is the next number in the pattern of 7 11 19 35?

67 7 + 4 = 11 11 + 8 = 19 19 + 16 = 35 35 + 32 = 67 67 + 64 = 131 ...

What is the pattern rule for 4 5 7 11 19?

One rule for this pattern is to add twice the previous value added 4 + 1 = 5 5 + 2×1 = 5 + 2 = 7 7 + 2×2 = 7 + 4 = 11 11 + 2×4 = 11 + 8 = 19 Continuing the next numbers would be: 19 + 2×8 = 19 + 16 = 35 35 + 2×16 = 35 + 32 = 67 ...

The next number in this series is 7 11 19 35?

7+4=11 11+8=19 19+16=35 35+32=67 so the next no. is 67..............

What number is next in this series 5 7 11 19 35?

Note the difference between each pair is doubled compared to the previous pair. 5 ; 7 = 2^1 7 ; 11 = 2^2 11 : 19 = 2^3 19 : 35 = 2^4 So 35 : x = 2^5 = 32 So 35 + 32 = 67 .

Why would the answer be 67 to select the next number in the series 7 11 19 35?

11 - 7 = 4 19 - 11 = 8 35 - 19 = 16 67 - 35 = 32 Getting the picture? Just double the amount added on the previous one.

What is the pattern 4 5 7 11 19?

+1, +2, +4, +8 It doubles each time. The next number will be 35.

What is the next number 5 7 11 19?

35. 5+2^1=5+2=7 7+2^2=7+4=11 11+2^3=11+8=19 19+2^4=19+16=35

7 11 19 35?

7 11 19 35 67 131 259 515... Double the last number then take away 3 for the next number.

What number comes after 7 11 19 35?

The answer is 67 because the pattern is 2x(x-1)-3 11-7 is 4 19-11 is 8 which is twice 4 35-19 is 16 which is twice 8 so the next difference is twice 16, =32 so the next number is 35+32 =67

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What is the median of the numbers 224 40 56 22 29 11 35 22 26 53 19?

To find the median, first you have to line up the number sequentially. 11 19 22 22 26 29 35 40 53 56 224 Then, you cross off one number on each side unil you have only one number left: 11 19 22 22 26 29 35 40 53 56 224 11 19 22 22 26 29 35 40 53 56 224 11 19 22 22 26 29 35 40 53 56 224 11 19 22 22 26 29 35 40 53 56 224 11 19 22 22 26 29 35 40 53 56 224 29 is the median, or middle, number.