1, 49 and 16 are square numbers.
To guess a rule for a pattern, you need several numbers, not just one. Of course, you can invent any rule, for example, "all numbers in the sequence are equal to -4", or some more complicated rule.
A single number, such as 24102882, does not establish a pattern!
1, 49 and 16 are square numbers.
The ISBN of The Romantic Manifesto is 0-451-14916-5.
explain how to find the rule in a numerical pattern
An exception does not obey a rule or pattern. Often, the only way to identify an exception is to know the rule or pattern that should be expected.
To guess a rule for a pattern, you need several numbers, not just one. Of course, you can invent any rule, for example, "all numbers in the sequence are equal to -4", or some more complicated rule.
The address of the Tillicum Library is: 14916 Washington Avenue SW, Lakewood, 98498 M
there is no rule i think my teacher said its about the pattern
A single number, such as 24102882, does not establish a pattern!
The rule for the pattern is y=x+2. That rule is in the table format in which it would originally be in, but the worded rule would be 'It increases by 2 each time'.
the answer is 15