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Q: What is the payscale for grade E 2?
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The payscale for grade E-30 at U of Chicago is roughly $41,239 to $70,328. Hope this helps.

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PayScale was created on 2002-01-01.

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How come there is no e as a letter grade?

Because "e" could be confused with "excellent". This would be bad, since "e" would be a bad grade, not a good grade.

I am making a C plus plus program for a programming class that takes in 5 grades for 7 students averages them gets a letter grade and displays it all in a table How do you set up a table for variables?

The following example sets up a two-dimensional array, initialises it with some pseudo-random data, and then prints the table and the averages. #include<iostream> #include<time.h> int main() { const int max_students = 7; const int max_student_grades = 5; const int max_grades = 6; const char grade[max_grades]={'A','B','C','D','E','F'}; srand((unsigned) time(NULL)); // Initialise the array with pseudo-random grades: int table[max_students][max_student_grades]; for(int student=0; student<max_students; ++student) { for(int student_grade=0; student_grade<max_student_grades; ++student_grade) { table[student][student_grade] = rand()%max_grades; } } // Print the table and average the results. int overall=0; for(int student=0; student<max_students; ++student) { int average=0; std::cout<<"Student #"<<student+1; for(int student_grade=0; student_grade<max_student_grades; ++student_grade) { std::cout<<" Grade #"<<student_grade+1<<": "<<grade[table[student][student_grade]]<<", "; average+=table[student][student_grade]; } std::cout<<" Average: "<<grade[average/max_grades]<<std::endl; overall+=average; } std::cout<<"Overall average: "<<grade[overall/max_grades/max_students]<<std::endl; return(0); } Example output: Student #1 Grade #1: A, Grade #2: E, Grade #3: D, Grade #4: E, Grade #5: F, Average: C Student #2 Grade #1: E, Grade #2: D, Grade #3: E, Grade #4: E, Grade #5: E, Average: D Student #3 Grade #1: D, Grade #2: A, Grade #3: D, Grade #4: B, Grade #5: A, Average: B Student #4 Grade #1: C, Grade #2: B, Grade #3: A, Grade #4: A, Grade #5: B, Average: A Student #5 Grade #1: E, Grade #2: D, Grade #3: C, Grade #4: F, Grade #5: E, Average: D Student #6 Grade #1: C, Grade #2: D, Grade #3: A, Grade #4: F, Grade #5: A, Average: B Student #7 Grade #1: B, Grade #2: D, Grade #3: F, Grade #4: B, Grade #5: C, Average: C Overall average: C

What is a 2.86 in a letter grade?

certain multipying factor is associated wid every grade u score....multiplying factor of different grades is given. A grade =10 B grade =8 C grade =6 D grade =4 E grade =2 now suppose u have six different courses n your grades are say A,B,C,D,D,E den your GPA(grade performance average) is given by 10+8+6+4+4+2/6 = 5.67

What is pay grade e-12?

No such pay grade exists.

What is the suffix of the word grade?

The suffix of the word "grade" is "-e."

What is the payscale for a doctor?

120-175 thousad dollars

What is new payscale for auditors in defence?

auditors remuneration