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original number is 175


-105/175= -.6


or 60% decrease

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Q: What is the percent change for 175 to 70?
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What number is 70 percent of 40?

70 / 0.4 = 175 Therefore, 70 is 40 percent of 175.

How much is 40 percent of 175?

40 percent of 175 is 70.

Is 70 35 percent of 175?

No 175 over 100 is 1.75 percent

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The answer is 175

175 percent of 40?


What number is 70 percent of 250?

70/100 X 250 = 175 So, 175 is 70% of 250

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175 is what percent of 70?

Well if I'm understanding this right, you're asking for the answer to be a percent. so what I would reccomend doing is changing both percents into decimal form. 70%=0.7 and 175=1.75, so multiply 1.75 by 0.7. The answer would be 1.225, so I think your answer is 1.225%.And thanks to Mehtamatics for pointing out that 175% could not be used as 175 but instead as 1.75!* * * * *You cannot just pretend that 175% is 175. 175 is 175% which is 1.75. So, the correct answer is not 122.5 but 1.225.

What 25 percent of 700 meters?

70 = 10% 35 = 5% 70 + 70 + 35 = 25% = 175

Increase 40 by 75 percent?

175/100 * 40 = 70

What is 70 percent off 250 pounds?

70 ÷ 100 × 250 = £175Therefore: 250 - 175 = £75

What is 70 percent of 250?

100 % of 250= 250 therefore 70%=70/100*250=175