45/60 change from decimal into percent. In this case,.752 decimal places over, 75%
45/60 x100=75%
$45.00 - (75%) = $11.25
60 is equal to four-fifths of 75. Expressed as a percentage, four-fifths is equal to 80 per cent.
33.08 is 75% of 45
45/60 change from decimal into percent. In this case,.752 decimal places over, 75%
45% is obviously larger than 75%... No, just joking. 75% is larger than 45%.
It is: (75-45)/75 times 100 = 40% decrease
It is 60%
75% of 60 is 45.
$75.00 - (45%) = $41.25
45/60 x100=75%
$45.00 - (75%) = $11.25