Big...... Divide the numerater by the denominator times the decimal by one hundred and that will give you a percent.
half a percent
4/6 of 100% = 66 2/3 %
Four sixths is equal to two thirds, which is equal to 66.6 recurring (that is 66.6666...) percent.4/6 reduces to 2/3 and 2/3 = 66.66666666666666%
Five-sixths is equal to approximately 83.33% as a decimal.
one half
2/6 is 1/3 which is 33.33 percent
2/6 is 1/3 which is 33.33 percent
8 and 5 sixths percent = (85/6)/100 = 53/600
5/6 as a percent is 83.3%
5/6 / 2/3 x 100 = 125 Therefore, 5/6 is 125 percent of 2/3.
3/6 = 50%
5/6 = 83.3%
5/6 = 83.33%