18 / 25 = 0.72:
Converting the decimal to a percentage: 0.72 * 100 = 72%
18 over 25 is the same as 18 divided by 25. 18 / 25 = 0.72 or 72%
18/25 = 72%
Expressed as a percentage, 18/25 x 100 = 72 percent.
18/25 x 100 = 72 percent Therefore, 18 is 72 percent of 25.
18 over 25
To convert a fraction to a percentage, you can multiply the fraction by 100. So, 18/25 as a percentage would be (18/25) * 100 = 72%. This means that 18 out of 25 is equivalent to 72 out of 100, or 72%.
18 over 25 is the same as 18 divided by 25. 18 / 25 = 0.72 or 72%
It is: 18/25 is 72%
18/25 = 72%
Expressed as a percentage, 18/25 x 100 = 72 percent.
18/25 x 100 = 72 percent Therefore, 18 is 72 percent of 25.
18 / 72 = 0.25Converting decimal to a percentage: 0.25 * 100 = 25%
18 over 25
18 - (25%) = 13.5
25% 72/4=18
72% of 25 = 18= 72% * 25= 0.72 * 25= 18