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Q: What is the percent of 3 wrong questions out of 35?
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If i got 3 questions wrong and that was six percent how many questions are there?


How many questions can you get wrong to get an 80 percent if their are 15 questions?

toget 80% you need .8 x 15 = 12 questions right. That means you can 15-12 = 3 questions wrong

What is the percent if you get 3 questions wrong out of 33 on a history test?

Your score would be 90.91%

If you answer 75 questions and 10 was wrong. What percent do you got?

You got 131/3 % wrong and 862/3 % correct. Obviously it was not a math test.

How many questions can you get wrong to get an 80 percent if there are 16 questions?

You can get at most 20% wrong. 20% of 16 is 16*20/100 = 3.2 Since you cannot get 0.2 questions wrong, the maximum possible is 3 questions.

What is 35 percent of 3 percent?

35 % of 3 % = 0.0105

What is the percentage of 3 wrong out of 14 questions?

You need to divide 3 / 14, then multiply the result by 100 to get percent. That gives you the percentage of wrong answers.Note that if you want the percentage of RIGHT answers, divide 11 / 14, then multiply by 100 to get percent.

If you missed 3 questions on an sol tesst with 50 questions what would you get?

3/50 = 0,06 = 6 percent wrong, which means you get 100 - 6 = 94 % correct answers. Also it depends on how many you got wrong, so if you got 5 wrong you would get an 84.

What percent of an hour is 35 minutes?

It is 35/60 or 58.'3'% recurring '3'

What is 35 percent of ten dollars?

35 percent of ten dollars is 3 dollars and 50 cents.

Is 3 bigger than 35 percent?

35% = 0.35 So, 3 is bigger than 35% (0.35)

What is your average from 3 wrong out of 8 questions?

With 3 wrongs out of 8 questions your average is (3/8)x100 = 37.5% wrong and 62.5 correct.