5% decrease.
It is a 66.6667% decrease.
Convert 39% to a decimal number by doing the following:39% = 39/100 = 0.39orMove the decimal to the left two spaces to change percent to a decimal number.39% = 0.39Then do the following calculation:800 - (800 x 0.39) = 488or800 x 0.39 = 312800 - 312 = 488
57 percent of 21 is 11.97
39% = 0.39 or 39/100
5% decrease.
5% decrease.
It is a 66.6667% decrease.
39 to 36 is a 7.692% decrease.
Factors of 39: 1 3 13 39 Factors of 57: 1 3 19 57 The GCF of 39 and 57 is 3 The greatest common factor of 39 and 57 is 3.
decrease 800 by 39%
The GCF is 3.
-39 + 18 = -21 it is the same as saying 18-39.
The percent decrease in the number of magazines sold is 65%. This is calculated by finding the difference between the two values (60-21 = 39), dividing by the original value (39/60 = 0.65), and then converting to a percentage (0.65 * 100 = 65%).
Convert 39% to a decimal number by doing the following:39% = 39/100 = 0.39orMove the decimal to the left two spaces to change percent to a decimal number.39% = 0.39Then do the following calculation:800 - (800 x 0.39) = 488or800 x 0.39 = 312800 - 312 = 488
Oh, dude, like, 57 minus 39 is, um, 18. Yeah, that's right. It's like, you take away 39 from 57, and you're left with 18. Easy math, right?