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The percent of pi is 78.8%

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Q: What is the percent of pi?
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Rewrite 95 percent in radian measure as a multiple of pi?

Assuming that this is 95 percent of a revolution, you can convert the percent to degrees by turning the percent into a decimal (.95) and multiplying that by the number of degrees in a circle (360) Degrees = 360 *.95 = 342 degrees Radians = Degrees * pi/180 Radians = 342 * pi/180 342 / 180 = 1.9 Radians = 1.9pi

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Roughly 0.0000000462 percent, assuming that the sun radiates isotropically.Calculated as(pi) x (4000)2 / (4 pi) x (93,000,000)2

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What is percent error if you use a value of 3.14 for 3.14?

If you mean percent error of 3.14 versus pi, which is 3.14159..., the error is only 0.05%

What is the difference between percent f and percent g format setting in c. Whether both can be used for representing float numbers?

%g is more compact. Do some tests, for example:double pi= 3.1415926535897932384626433;printf ("%%f gives %f %f %f %f %f\n", pi, 100*pi, 10000*pi, 1000000*pi, 100000000*pi);printf ("%%e gives %e %e %e %e %e\n", pi, 100*pi, 10000*pi, 1000000*pi, 100000000*pi);printf ("%%g gives %g %g %g %g %g\n", pi, 100*pi, 10000*pi, 1000000*pi, 100000000*pi);%f gives 3.141593 314.159265 31415.926536 3141592.653590 314159265.358979%e gives 3.141593e+00 3.141593e+02 3.141593e+04 3.141593e+06 3.141593e+08%g gives 3.14159 314.159 31415.9 3.14159e+06 3.14159e+08

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No. But it's very convenient, and so close to 'pi' that it's often perfectly good enough for the purpose. In fact, it's amazing how close (22/7) really is ... it's larger than 'pi' by only about 0.04 percent !

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((x*1.2)^2*pi-x^2*pi)/(x^2*pi)=0.44where X is the old radius((the new area - the old area) divided with the old area)The area increases with 44%

Find the percent error when pi standard equals 3.14 and your value for pi equals 3.98?

Percentage error = 100*error/standard = 100*(3.98-3.14)/3.14 = 100*0.84/3.14 = 84/3.14 = 26.75%

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