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Q: What is the percent of profit from post-it notes compared to other 3m products?
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What is the formula for converting profit percent to profit?

Profit = (profit percentage / 100) x gross income

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Profit (gain) % = Profit / C.P. *100

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According to Chron, the average profit margin for furniture retailers is 2 percent. This is up from other retailers who normally have a 0.5 percent profit margin.

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Firms produce multiple products because the aim is to be a producer that maximizes profit. Firms produce multiple products to get maximum profit.

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You paid 32 pound for a jacket and sold it for 150 pound what percent profit have you made?

profit made is 150-32=118, so percent of profit made is (118/32)*(100)=368.72%

Discuss the relative importance of BOTH gross profit and contribution margin?

Gross profit and the contribution margin are both important factors for a business' accounting functions. The gross profit allows the company to keep track of its revenue compared to expenses. The contribution margin allows the company to track the sale price of their products in relation to their costs to manufacture them.

How to calculate percent of 17203 profit on 2000000?

17203 profit / 2000000 times 100% is 0.86%.

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profit of 20 percent on 700 = 14020% of 700= 20% * 700= 20%/100% * 700= 2 * 70= 140