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Q: What is the percentage increase from 2 to 6?
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50% increase from 6 to 9

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This is a 6% increase.

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Increase = 0.60 Percentage increase = 100*0.60/6 = 10%

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(1-0.9375)/0.9375 * 100% = 6.6666...% or 6 2/3%

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59,900% increase.

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2,100% increase.

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2 trillion is 100,000 times 20 million. The percentage increase is 100,000 - 1 = 99,999

How much increase from 0 to 2 in pERcentage?


What is the percentage of 2 to 25?

Going from 2 to 25 is a 1,150% increase.

What number best complete this sequence 2 6 3 8 6 12?

It would seem to be 11. ------------------------------------- Here are a couple of ways to justify the answer "11": #1: 2 -> 6 is an increase of 4. 6 -> 3 is a decrease of 3. 3 -> 8 is an increase of 5. 8 -> 6 is a decrease of 2. 6 -> 12 is an increase of 6. 12 -> 11 is a decrease of 1. #2: 2 -> 3 is an (odd) increase of 1. 6 -> 8 is an (even) increase of 2. 3 -> 6 is an (odd) increase of 3. 8 -> 12 is an (even) increase of 4. 6 -> 11 is an (odd) increase of 5.

What is the percent increase from 2 to 88?

The increase is 88 - 2 or 86. The percentage increase is 100 times this number divided by the original value, or 100(86/2) or 4300 %.