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It varies by country and even by doctor.

Under clinical conditions, the error rate is comparable to other medical procedures. The staff are experienced and are trustworthy.

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Q: What is the percentage of abortions that go wrong?
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What percentage of abortions in us are black babies?

Approximately 38% of abortions in the US are obtained by Black women, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) data.

Are abortions dangerous?

Abortions are not risk free. Any medical procedure carries risks. Early abortions are very minor procedures and the risks are minor ones. If you go to Planned Parenthood they can go over the risks involved with you.

Did the Nazi invent abortions?

no abortions go back to the ancient Egyptians and probably before that. It was def around before the Nazis and many women died in backalley abortions.

What race typically gets the most abortions?

In terms of absolute numbers, more white babies are aborted each year than black babies, but as a percentage of all abortions, blacks are overrepresented.

Where are abortions most common?

Since the world's population is concentrated in Asia, that is where most abortions occur (26 million yearly); nine million of these take place in China. But if you look at what country has most abortions percentage wise it's Russia with over 50% of pregnancies aborted.

Is there any place in ct that does free and safe abortions?

No one does free abortions but safe they do, just go to abortion dot com and you find them all.

What is the percentage of 2 wrong out of 12?

It is 16.66... % wrong.

What is 13 wrong out of 35 in percentage?

percentage of wrong = 37.14% percentage of correct = 62.86% % rate: wrong = 13/35 * 100% = 0.79 * 100% = 37.14% % correct = 100% - 37.14% = 62.86%

If you got 1 wrong out of 25 what is the percentage wrong?


What is the percentage of 5 wrong out of 125 questions?

4% wrong

What is 6 wrong out of 32 in percentage?

18.75% are wrong

If you got 13 of 35 wrong what percentage is wrong?
