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The answer as to the percentage of people who eat organic foods depends upon the compilation of country-by-country figures for a worldwide determination. In the United States, statistics from a Gallup poll conducted Wednesday, July 7 to Saturday, July 10, 2014, indicate that 45 percent of Unitedstatesians buy organic food, in contrast to 15 and 38 percent that respectively refuse to make, or reveal indifference to, organic food purchases. The figures represent an increase since a Harris poll whose interviews in October 2007 found about 30 percent of Unitedstatesians buying organic foods.

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Q: What is the percentage of people who eat organic foods?
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What percentage of people eat organic?


What percentage of people eat organic food?


What percentage of people eat organic food and please cite the source of the statistic?

2.6% in U.S.A and 0.9% in Canada. Statistics can be found on Wikipedia. Organic Foods - Facts and Statistics with links to all the sources.

Why are you advised to eat organic food rather than chemically treated food?

True organic foods are grown without using chemical fertilizers, pesticides, or herbicides. In order to be totally organic, they must be labeled "100% organic" in the stores. People are advised to eat them because many people believe they are healthier than their non-organic counterparts. Some advise eating organic foods in order to avoid GMOs.

Can you eat organic foods?

Yes, you can organic foods. It is more healthy for your body to eat organic food than non organic food. The reason is because organic food is produced without harmful chemicals, pesticides, GMOs, and artificial flavors and preservatives.

Does organic food make you love longer?

There are at least two studies that suggest fruit flies fed organic foods lived longer. That does not necessarily mean that people who eat organic foods live longer, but since organic foods do not have the additives and preservatives that may be harmful to health, and synthetic fertilizers and pesticides are not used on organically-grown foods, it is certainly possible that people who eat them live longer.

What percentage of people eat organic food in Malaysia?

There is no specific percentage readily available for the percentage of people who eat organic food in Malaysia. Consumption of organic food in Malaysia is gradually increasing, but it is not as prevalent compared to other countries. Factors such as availability, affordability, and awareness influence the consumption of organic food in the country.

What percentage of people eat spicy hot foods?

Many people have different taste about spicy things. Like some people only like a little but people like me eat alot.

What foods are included on the amino diet?

You can eat many foods with the amino diet. Some of these foods include organic foods like organic fruit, vegetables, milk products, and free range eggs.

What are the advantages organic foods?

Organic foods have many advantages. Here are just a few:Health: Organic foods are produced without the use of pesticides that could cause serious illnessesGood for the animals: People who eat organic are happy to know the animals are not confined to a caged life, pumped full of hormones, or treated badly.Environmental Safety: Harmful chemicals are not used in organic farming, and there is minimal soil, air, and water pollution being produced. Also, many organic farmers donate/support causes to help save the planet.Better taste: Most people strongly believe organic foods taste better than non-organic foods. This could be because they are much fresher.Many people are realizing the many benefits/advantages of eating organic and are trying to do their part by buying some/most/all of their foods organic.

Do foods have gmo?

Some believe GMO foods are no different than natural foods. Others believe people should not eat GMO foods because they are not the same as natural foods and they are net yet proven not to be harmful.

What are some reasons why you should not eat organic?

There are no reasons not to eat organic as far as health goes. Something that often is prohibitive is cost. Organic foods are often more costly than non-organic foods, but if you visit local farmers or farmers markets, even that might not be a factor.