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A percentage is a comparison between a part and a whole. The part [presumably] is the number of deaths in the US but the total is unclear. It could be

  • the population of the US so that the comparison is the mortality rate in the US,
  • the number of deaths daily in the world so that the comparison is between the US and the world,
  • the number of deaths in the US in a week/month/year so the comparison is between a specific day and a longer period.
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Q: What is the percentage of the amount of deaths in the US daily?
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Statistics on nationwide data (the FBI's UCR) are not broken down by this category.

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83% bro. Just took a test in my Active Lifestyle class and BOOM!

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Your question is unclear- percentage of what? However, the rate of accidental firearms has gone DOWN in the past several years. Information for deaths and injuries in the US are available from the US Center for Disease Control (CDC). Data from other groups may be slanted to advance a political agenda- one such group had data for deaths of children- but defined child as anyone under the age of 27.

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