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P=2l+2w The answer is 60ft.

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Q: What is the perimeter of a rectangle of length 20 ft and width 10 ft?
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What is the perimeter of a rectangle with length 10 miles and width 5 miles?

The perimeter of a rectangle with length of 10 miles and width of 5 miles is 30 miles.

What is the length of a rectangle when the perimeter is 60 and the length is twice the width?

The length is 20 units and the width is 10 units

What is a rectangle with a perimeter of 30?

One rectangle that has a perimeter of 30 has a length of 5 and a width of 10.

The length of a rectangle is 4 cm more than the width If the perimeter of the rectangle is 20 cm what are the dimensions?

length + width = 20/2 = 10 length = 7cm, width = 3cm

Find the perimemter of a rectangle with length 15 meters and width 10 meters?

The perimeter of a rectangle is given by:P = 2l + 2w, where P is the perimeter of the rectangle, l is the length of the rectangle, and w is the width of the rectangle.P = 2(15) + 2(10) = 50 meters.

What is the perimeter of a rectangle whose with is 6?

I think you mean the width is 6. The answer depends entirely on what the length of the rectangle is. For example, if it is a square, so that the length and width are both 6, the answer is 24. I the length is 10, the perimeter is 32. In general, just add the width (6) to the length and double the sum to get the perimeter.

What is the length and width of a rectangle that has a perimeter of 20 inches and an area of 24.4524 square inches showing work with final answers?

What do we know about the perimeter of a rectangle? perimeter = 2 × (length + width) → 2 × (length + width) = 20 in → length + width = 10 in → length = 10 in - width What do we know about the area of a rectangle: area = length × width → length × width = 24.4524 in² But from the perimeter we know the length in terms of the width and can substitute it in: → (10 in - width) × width = 24.4524 in² → 10 in × width - width² = 24.4524 in² → width² - 10 in × width + 24.4524 in² = 0 This is a quadratic which can be solved by using the formula: ax² + bx + c → x = (-b ±√(b² - 4ac)) / (2a) → width = (-10 ±√(10² - 4 × 1 × 24.4524)) / (2 × 1) in → width = -5 ± ½√(100 - 97.8096) in → width = -5 ±½√2.1904 in → width = -5 ± 0.74 in → width = 4.26 in or 5.74 in → length = 10 in - 4.26 in = 5.74 in or 10 in - 5.74 in = 4.26 in (respectively) By convention the width is the shorter length (though it doesn't have to be) making the width 4.26 in and the length 5.74 in. Thus the rectangle is 5.74 in by 4.26 in

What is the perimeter of a rectangle if the length is 10 and the width is 8?

2 sides have length 10 and the other 2 sides have width 8 perimeter is sum of sides = 10+10+8+8 = 36

How do you find the width of a rectangle if length and perimeter are given?

multiple the length by 2 then subtract that from the perimeter. then divide that by two. for example length=10 perimeter=30 ... 30-2(10)= 30-20=10 10/2=5 width=5

What is the perimeter of a rectangle with the length of 3 inches and the width of 2 inches?

10 inches

If a rectangle has a width of 3r and a length of 5 plus 7r what is its perimeter?

20r + 10

What is the length of a rectangle if width is 10 feet and perimeter is 50 feet?

15 feet