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If you restrict yourself to integers, it could be 36, 60 or 164 in. If it was a square, it would have to be 36.

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Q: What is the perimeter of a rectangle that has an area of 81 sq in?
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Which is greater a rectangle with a perimeter of 36 meters or a circle with a circumference of 36 meters?

The circle has the greater area. For a perimeter/circumference of 36 metres, Area of circle = 103.13 sq metres (approx) Area of 9*9 square = 81 sq metres Area of an L*(18-L) rectangle (L < 9 metres) = anything between 0 and 81 sq metres.

Find the maximum area of the given perimeter 36cm of a rectangle state the length and width?

81 sq cm, for a 9 cm * 9 cm square

What is the length and breadth if area is 60 sq. cm and perimeter is 32 sq. cm of an rectangle?

If the perimeter is 32 sq cm, there is a very serious problem since the perimeter is a linear measure, not an area! Leaving that aside, the length of the rectangle is 10 cm and the breadth is 6 cm.

If you have a rectangle with a perimeter of 12 x 4 meters would it be the same area as a rectangle of 13 x 3 meters perimeter?

No, 12x4 = 48 sq meters. 13x3=39 sq meters.

The diagonal of the rectangle is 26m and its perimeter is 68m. Find its area?

240 sq m

Two rectangles have a perimeter of 16 inches Name two possible areas for each rectangle?

* It is unclear if the question is asking about two rectangles, each with a perimeter of 16, or two rectangles whose perimeters sum to 16. This answer assumes the former.Other than the 4x4 square, which coincidentally has both a perimeter and area of 16, some examples would be:1 x 7 rectangle : perimeter 16 in. , area 7 sq. in2 x 6 rectangle : perimeter 16 in., area 12 sq. in3 x 5 rectangle: perimeter 16 in., area 15 sq. inYou can calculate that for a given perimeter, the largest area is found in the square with a side measurement of P/4, i.e. the length and the width are the same.

What is the are of a shape when the perimeter is 42.5?

A perimeter is not enough to determine the area. It depends on the shape. The shape has the greatest area if it is a circle and then the area will be 143.73 square units (approx). If it a square, the area will be 112.890625 sq units. But the area can be reduced, without limit, by making the shape longer and thinner. For example, 20*1.25 rectangle: area = 25 sq units 21*0.25 rectangle: area = 5.25 sq units 21.2*0.05 rectangle: area = 1.06 sq units 21.24*0.001 rectangle: area = 0.2124 sq units etc

What is the greatest possible area of a rectangle having a perimeter of 14 meters?

12.25 sq metres.

What rectangle has an area of 36 sq cm and a perimeter of 30 cm?

The rectangle has a length of 12 cm and a width of 3 cm.

What is the perimeter of a rectangle if the rectangle inside the size of them is 21 sq cam 33 sq cm and 35 sq cm ehat is the 4th rectangles perimeter?

the answer is 11 sq cm

What is a shape that has an area of 6cm2 with a perimeter of 12cms?

It is a rectangle and has sides of 3+sq rt of 3 and 3-sq rt of 3

What is the perimeter of 22cm and area?

There are a lot of different shapes with a perimeter of 22 cm, all with different areas. For example, a rectangle of 1 cm by 10 cm has an area of 10 sq. cm; a rectangle of 2 cm by 9 cm has an area of 18 sq. cm. Both have a perimeter of 22 cm. It depends on the shape.