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A wave or other periodic phenomenon with a period of 1 second has a frequency of 1 Hz.

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Q: What is the period of one second frequency?
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Are frequency and period the same?

period (T) is simply one divided by frequency (f) or T = 1/f. Frequency is cycles per second and period is the time it takes to complete one cycle. For example frequency of 10 cycles per second has a period of 0.1 second

What is the period of a 1000 Hz frequency?

Period = 1 / frequency = 0.001 second.

Find the period of a wave with frequency 500 kHz?

The period is the reciprocal of ("one over") the frequency.1/500,000 = 0.000002 second = 2 microseconds

A signal has a fundamental frequency of 1000 Hz what is its period?

The period is the duration of one cycle in a repeating event, so the period T is the reciprocal of the frequency f. T = 1 / f. The period is 0.001 second, that is 1 millisecond.

How does period and frequency relate?

Period is the time taken for one complete cycle of a wave, while frequency is the number of cycles per second. The relationship between period and frequency is that they are inversely proportional; as the period increases, the frequency decreases, and vice versa. Mathematically, they are related by the equation: frequency = 1 / period.

A wave with period of 0.0008 second has frequency of?

125 cycles per second or 125 Hz. A wave that has a period of 0.008 seconds has a period of 0.008 seconds per cycle. If you have 0.008 seconds per cycle, you have one cycle per 0.008 seconds. And one cycle per 8/1000 seconds is 1 x 1000 / 8 cycles per second, which is 125 cycles per second. As regards waves, frequency and period are reciprocals. By definition, 1/frequency equals period, and 1/period equals frequency.

What is the period of the wave if the frequency is 100 hz?

Period = 1 / frequency = 1/100 = 0.01 second.

How are the period and the frequency of a wave reletated?

The period of a wave is defined as the time taken by a wave to complete one oscillation. While, the frequency of a wave is defined as the number of oscillations completed by a wave in one second.

If the frequency of a certain wave is 1000 Hz its period is?

Period = 1/frequency = (1/1,000) = 0.001 second

A wave with a period of 0.008 second frequency of what?

Period of 0.008 sec = Frequency of (1/0.008) = 125 Hz.

If a period of a wave is 0.010 second its frequency is?

Frequency = reciprocal of period = 1 / 0.01 = 100per second = approximately 100 Hertz = roughly 100 cycles

A wave has frequency of 50 Hz what is the period of the wave?

Period = reciprocal of frequency ( 1 / frequency ) = 1/50 = 0.02 second = 20 milliseconds