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Q: What is the person that made just a boring square?
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Are you doing a boring history thing or are you just bored?!! LOL!! Answer: 1846

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This is boring !

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It has to be drugs, it's just too boring and repetitive to listen to sober.

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you cut the square in to three little pieces and voila! you just made thirds with a square!

Is LEGO universe boring?

Well, if you are a person who only does the bare minimum and enjoys the storyline, yes, it is extremely short. But, if you are a person who enjoys long term goals, the game is quite entertaining. For me, LEGO Universe was so boring. It says you can use imagination, but you can't. Even if you have a property, you have to smash so many things just to get the parts for a minifigure. I've only made on minifigure. I quit playing it. Other LEGO games are way funner!

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You just made that person up.....

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He is a made up Person on the citcom icarly, he is not a real person, just made up:)

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Abraham's parents made him, just like any other person is 'made'.

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Because the people who made is are lonely nerds.

Why was blue morning glories made?

It was just nature, like how every person is made.

Is Diablo 2 boring?

Heck no! I have made about 100 different builds and im still not done with the game. Just keep trying new ideas and see what you come up with.