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Q: What is the person who values houses called?
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What is person who sells houses called?

It can be called a salesperson.

What is a person who sells houses called?

People who sell houses are called realtors. In UK they are called real estate agents.Icepenguins

What is a person who designs houses?

A person who designs houses is often called an architect.

What are houses called in the desert?

They are called houses.

Why are houses named houses?

houses are called houses because it cannot be called hoeses.

What do you call someone who values friendship?

Some one who values friendship could be called best friend. Such a person understands the true meaning of friendship.

What is the name of a person who builds stone houses?

A mason, or stonemason

What is a person that builds houses called?

Carpenters, or remodelers depending.

What are the requirements for the houses of Hogwarts?

Gryffindor values courage and bravery, Ravenclaw values wisdom and knowledge, Hufflepuff values loyalty and dedication, and Slytherin values cunning and ambition.

What are pomo Indian houses called?

They live in houses called adobes.

What were the houses of the iroquios houses called?


What were the PacifIc Northwest's houses called?

Long Houses or Plank houses.