

Best Answer
  • stands and walks on tiptoe
  • can kick a ball confidently
  • jumps from low steps
  • pefals a tricycle
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Q: What is the physical development between 3-7 years of age?
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Physical lingual and intellectual development take place during 3 to 6?

Discuss the physical lingual and intellectual development taking place during 3 to 6 years of age

What questions does the peabody development motor scale ask?

The Peabody Motor Development Scale is an assessment of the motor skills of children from birth to five years of age, which compares a child's physical proficiency with those exhibited by children of the same age group. This can be an indication of problems with physical development or coordination.

Neuron development and elaboration which occurs between birth and age 10 is prompted by?

physical movement on the part of the child.


age in terms of physical health and development

What average is a person's physical strength peaks during what decade?

physical strength peaks between 25 and 35 years of age.

What is the study of babies called?

The study of babies is called "infant development" or "infant studies." It focuses on the physical, cognitive, emotional, and social development of infants from birth to around two years of age.

How you do development?

physical, mental, moral and social behaviour acc. to the age.

What is the age of people referred to as adolescents?

Adolescents are typically defined as individuals between the ages of 10 to 19 years old. This stage of development is characterized by physical, cognitive, and emotional changes as individuals transition from childhood to adulthood.

What are the physical lingual and intellectual development taking place during 3 to 6 years of age?

At this age, physical development includes improved motor skills, such as running, jumping, and climbing. Linguistically, children expand their vocabulary and develop more complex sentence structures. Intellectually, they show increased curiosity, problem-solving abilities, memory, and attention span.

What is the different between chronological age and health age?

Chronological age is the years you have been alive and health age is the physical age your body is. If you are obese and not in shape for instance or if you smoke a lot, your health age is probably a lot older then your chronological age.

Who is a total child?

He/she is a total child whose physical and mental development coincides with his/her age.

What age group shows the greatest difference between males and females?

The teenage years typically show the greatest difference between males and females in terms of physical and psychological development. This can be attributed to the hormonal changes and growth spurts that occur during this period, leading to noticeable disparities between males and females in areas such as height, muscle mass, and emotional maturity.