In the number 706,543 the number 6 in in the thousands place, and has the value of six thousand.
6 ten-thousandths
6. Now that was not difficult!
The face value of the number 6 is always 6. The place value, on the other hand, is the value which changes based upon where it is placed in the number.
A number does not have a place value. A digit within a number does, but not the number itself.
In the number 706,543 the number 6 in in the thousands place, and has the value of six thousand.
A single digit in a number has a place value, not a whole number.
6 tens
6 ten-thousandths
millionths place
6. Now that was not difficult!
6 is in the thousands' place so its value is 6000.
The place value of 4 is 4 tens and the place value of 6 is 6 ones in the given number, i.e 46.
The 6
The face value of the number 6 is always 6. The place value, on the other hand, is the value which changes based upon where it is placed in the number.
A number does not have a place value. A digit within a number does, but not the number itself.
Its positional place value is 6/100 = six hundredths