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Q: What is the plasmodesmata similar to?
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How are the plasmodesmata of plant cells and commicating junctions of animal cell similar in function?

Cell junctions in plants are called Plasmodesmata while communicating junctions in animal cells are gap junctions

Which plant structure is most like gap junctions in animal cells?

Plasmodesmata in plant cells are most similar to gap junctions in animal cells. Plasmodesmata are channels that allow for the direct exchange of molecules between plant cells, similar to how gap junctions allow for communication and transport of molecules between animal cells.

What color is a plasmodesmata?

a plasmodesmata is usually brown and button shaped

Can see the plasmodesmata in the persimmon but not in the Elodea?

Plasmodesmata are not easily visible in Elodea because the plant cells are tightly packed and have high chloroplast content, which can obstruct the view. In persimmon, the plasmodesmata may be more prominent due to differences in cell arrangement and structure. Special staining techniques or higher magnification may be needed to see plasmodesmata in Elodea.

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What the purpose of plasmodesmata?

Plasmodesmata are holes in the cell wall of plants and algae that allow the cellular transfer of of proteins and macromolecules in and out of the cell. The cell wall does not have gap junctions or intermembrane proteins like the cell membrane does, so the cell needed another way to allow passage into and out of the cell, which is where plasmodesmata developed.

What everyday object is like chloroplasts?

Well Plasmodesmata serves as communication for cells. For me similar object is a cellphone because it also serves as communication

What are open channels in plant cell wall?

They are called: Plasmodesmata

Why do you suspect that there are so many plasmodesmata connecting the cells in fruit?

Plasmodesmata in fruit facilitate the transport of nutrients and signaling molecules between cells, which is important for fruit development and ripening. The high number of plasmodesmata connecting cells in fruit may be necessary to support the rapid growth and metabolic processes occurring during the fruit's development and maturation. Additionally, the communication provided by plasmodesmata helps coordinate the ripening process and ensure proper fruit maturation.