the plot is ..................................
i am sorry i dont know too
I think its a stem and leaf plot
It means something good or the best part in a book or movie or something with a plot
A parallel plot is two different stories going on in the same book that are similar to each other. One plot might be about a boy on his way to school, and the other could be about a girl on her way to school.
B/c it can help to display the subsets in the data. It is also a good way to double check the data and scatterplot.
Depends on who you ask and the context of the question, the answer is probably in your book or notes.
In the book "Double Identity" by Margaret Peterson Haddix, the name of Bethany's mother is Elizabeth.
The falling action for the book, "Double Identity" is when Bethany learns the truth about herself. She learns that she is her dead sister's clone.
In "Double Identity" the antagonist is Bethany's parents. The reason is because they leave her with people that she does not know.
pOp fiction artisee
Bethany is a clone
40 chapters
In the book "Double Identity" by Margaret Peterson Haddix, Joss is a girl.
Her name is Joss
"Double Identity" by Margaret Peterson Haddix is a mystery-thriller novel rather than a science fiction book. It follows the story of a 12-year-old girl who discovers she has a double identity and uncovers the truth behind her mysterious past.
Myrlie Wilker is in her late sixties in the book "Double Identity" by Margaret Peterson Haddix.
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