

What is the plume of a volcano?

Updated: 12/19/2022
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13y ago

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the plume is the smoke coming out

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Q: What is the plume of a volcano?
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What geological feature is most likely to be produced by the plume?

A volcano.

What is a surface expression of a plume of magma rising from a stationary source of heat in the mantle?

A hotspot volcano.

What is a hotspot in a volcano?

A place where hot mantle material rises in a semi-permanent plume, and affects the overlying crust.

How can one mantle plume form several volcanic islands?

A mantle plume is a column of hot rock rising from deep within the Earth's mantle. As a tectonic plate moves over a stationary mantle plume, multiple volcanic islands can form successively as the plate shifts, creating a chain of volcanic activity. This process can lead to the creation of a volcanic island arc or a hot spot track.

How does a hot spot make a chain of volcano mountains?

A hot spot deep in the Earth's mantle creates a rising plume of magma that is even hotter than the regular magma of which the mantle is composed. When this plume of magma hits the crust, it breaks through and causes a volcano. The reason why we eventually wind up with a whole chain of volcanoes, rather than just one, is continental drift. The Earth's crust is moving, while the plume of magma is always directed at the same spot, so as the tectonic plate slowly drifts by, the plume will impact different parts of that plate.

What is the meaning of plume?

of Plume

What may form in an intraplate area over a rising plume of hot mantle material?

A volcano. See the excellent book "Krakatoa" by Simon Winchester.

What can't you do when a volcano is erupting?

When a volcano is erupting, it is generally not safe to be near or approach the volcano. It is advised to avoid the area and not attempt to see the eruption up close. Additionally, flying or operating aircraft near an erupting volcano can pose significant risks due to the ash plume and potential disruption to air traffic.

What is a fall-out tuff?

Fall-out tuff is a volcanic deposit formed from ash and lapilli that fall out of the eruption plume of a volcano. This is opposed to tuff formed by pyroclastic flows.

What features may form in an intraplate area over a rising plume of hot mantle material?

A volcano. See the excellent book "Krakatoa" by Simon Winchester.

What are the dangers the Yellowstone National Park volcano poses to the US?

When the volcano erupts, it will destroy most of the North American continent. Its plume of gas and dust will change weather worldwide, causing at least a year long period of cold and snow.

What feature may form over an intraplate area over a rising plume of hot mantle material?

A volcano. See the excellent book "Krakatoa" by Simon Winchester.