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Freshmen is the plural form for freshman.

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Q: What is the plural of freshman?
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Related questions

What is freshman in plural possessive form?

The plural form of the noun freshman is freshmen.The plural possessive form is freshmen's.Example: There will be a freshmen's orientation on Friday.

What is the plural form of freshman?


What is the plural word for freshmans?

Freshmen (no s at the end) is the plural form of the singular noun freshman.

Is the correct spelling Freshman or Freshmen on a individuals award?

Freshman is singular, while freshmen is plural. If the award is for one person, use freshman. If the award is for multiple people, use freshmen.

In high school is it freshmen or freshman?

A freshmen or freshman is a 9th grader (first year of high school). Both are correct. Freshmen is plural: "The Freshmen sit in the first rows at the game." Freshman is singular: "The student waiting in the office is a Freshman."

How do you spell freshman?

The correct spelling is "freshman."

What is the singular possessive for freshman?

The possessive form of the singular noun freshman is freshman's.Example: The freshman's books were stacked on his bed.

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What grade is a freshman?

A freshman is in ninth grade.

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What is the birth name of William Freshman?

William Freshman's birth name is William Audrey Freshman.

T-shirt ideas for freshmen?

maybe fantastic freshman or like flying ferret freshman or like fineeeeee! freshman or flying freshman or maybe even My freshman calss did a shirt with Keepin' it Fresh on the back! (: