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point of concurrency

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Q: What is the point of intersection of concurrent lines called?
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What are concurrent lines?

They are lines with a common point of intersection. <3

What do you call the point of intersection of three concurrent lines?

the point of concurrency

What is the different between concurrent and non concurret force?

Concurrent forces are forces that share a common point of intersection, causing them to act through a single point. Non-concurrent forces do not share a common point of intersection and their lines of action do not meet at a single point.

What is a concurrent forces?

Non concurrent forces are those forces that do not have a common point of intersection and act along different lines of action.

Lines that have a point in common are called?

Lines that have a point in common are called concurrent lines.

What is a non concurrent force?

Non concurrent forces are those forces that do not have a common point of intersection and act along different lines of action.

Point intersection and a point concurrency?

A point intersection occurs when two or more lines meet at a single point. In contrast, a point concurrency involves three or more lines intersecting at a common point. Both concepts are fundamental in geometry and play a key role in defining relationships between lines and shapes.

What is the point of intersection between two lines called?

The point of intersection.

What are three or more lines that intersect at a common point called?

concurrent lines

What is the place where two lines cross or intersect?

It is usually called an intersection or an intersection point.

What is it called when lines form right angles at the point of intersection are what lines?

The lines are called perpendicular lines.

What two lines intersect what is the point of intersection called?

It matters about how the lines intersect. If they intersect like this: +, then the point of intersection is called a perpendicular intersection. If the corners do not have right angles and the angles are obtuse and acute, then it is called intersecting lines. Glad to help!almost.