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Q: What is the point value for an ork trukk?
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What planet did mork come from?

Mork came from the planet Ork .

What is a good 600 point army for orks?

yes there is ork warboss ( heavy armour and claw) 5 nobz ( big coppa) 8 lootas 29 boyz ork turkk

Who would win in a fight an ork or an urukhai?

an ork

How many points is an ork?

an ork is worth 6 points on its own

How many ork boys can go in a squad together?

Answer30 ork boyz

How many points is an ork worth?

an ork is worth 6 points on its own

When was Ork - video game - created?

Ork - video game - was created in 1991.

When did Ork - video game - happen?

Ork - video game - happened in 1991.

Can ork boyz be equipped with stikk bombs?

Answeryes, under the most recent rules for Orks a mob of Ork boyz have the option of taking stikk bombs for +1 point per model. Ideally this will be represented on some or all of the models in some way.

How many points are ork battle-waggons?

it varies based on what you arm it with. Read the ork codex for an exact amount

Why do you want to ork here?

Because orking has always been a passion of mine, and I've never seen a better place for it. I could ork for days on end when I'm here! -Not only that, there's an orking magazine that prompts me to ork even harder! I ALWAYS get compliments for my ability to ork well.