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Use one of those flip open match books, that's about right!! (the flap)

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Q: What is the points setting for a 1979 harley?
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Length of motorcycle?

Is the length of a harley motorcycle standard? if yes, what is the standard length of a harley motorcycle? please advice. thankjs!

What day of the week was June 5 1979?

June 5, 1979 was a Tuesday.June 5 1979 was a Tuesday.

How to draw a Hexagon or definition?

A hexagon is a two-dimensional (as on a sheet of paper) figure with six sides.To draw a regular hexagon (one with all sides equal and all angles equal):Using a compass, draw a circle.Keeping the same compass setting, place the rotation point of the compass anywhere on the circumference of the circle and mark the two points where the pen side of the compass crosses the circle (you will now have three points on the circle - the rotation point and the two points where the pen side crossed the circle.Place the rotation point of the compass on either of the two pen crossing points and mark the new point where the pen side of the compass crosses the circle.Repeat until you have six points. If done correctly, these six points will be equal distances apart from each other.Connect the adjacent points with straight lines.

Differentiate of collinear points and coplanar points?

Collinear points are points that lie on the same line, while coplanar points are points that lie on the same plane.

How do you find a point which is equidistant from two other points?

-- Draw a line segment from one point to the other.-- Construct the perpendicular bisector of the line segment..-- Every point on the perpendicular bisector of the line segmentis equidistant from the two original points.==========================================================================Whereupon the first contributor observed:Yes, that works, no matter how you set the compass, as long as it's more than 1/2 the distancebetween the two points. Every setting of the compass will give you a pair of points that areequal distances from the original two. As you find more and more of them ... with differentsettings of the compass ... you'll see that all the equal-distance points you're finding all lieon the same straight line. That line is the perpendicular bisector of the line between the twooriginal points, just as we described up above.