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A triangle

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Q: What is the polygon that has a sum of 180 in all its interior angles?
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How many sides does a polygon have if the interior angles equal 180 degrees?

If all of the interior angles of the polygon add up to 180 degrees, then the polygon is a triangle.

What is the formula to find the interior angles of a polygon?

If the polygon is a regular polygon then all interior angels are equal to 180-(360/no of sides of the polygon)

What is the sum of all the angles of a polygon?

(number of sides-2)*180+360 = total sum of interior and exterior angles of any polygon.

How do you work out an interior angle on a polygon when it has n sides?

The sum of the interior angles of a polygon with n sides is 180*(n-2) degrees. If the polygon is equiangular (ie all its angles are the same) then each of them is 180*(n-2)/n degrees.

What is the sum of all the exterior angles and interior angles in a triangle?

Sum of interior angles - 180 degree (each side 60 degree) Sum of exterior angles of a polygon - 360 degree

How is the number of sides related to the sum of the angles in a polygon?

The sum of all the interior angles of a polygon with n sides is (n-2)*180 degrees.

What is a complex polygon?

A polygon can be convex, which means Convex Polygon: A polygon that has all interior angles less than 180° Concave Polygon A polygon that has one or more interior angles greater than 180° A Complex polygon is neither convex or concave. A star polygon is an example of a complex polygon. If you look in google images, there are tons of pics of them.

What is a polygon with all interior angles congruent?

A polygon with all interior angles congruent Is known as a regular polygon.

How do you calculate interior angles in polygons?

You cannot calculate interior angles in a polygon. You can only calculate their sum. The sum of all the interior angles of an n-sided polygon is (n-2)*180 degrees. So for example, the interior angles of a triangle (n = 3) sum to 180 degrees. But the individual angles can be (1,1,178), or (30,60,90) or infinitely many other combinations.

What is a polygon with all interior angles called?

If all of its interior angles are equal then it is a regular polygon

What is the sum of all the interior angles of a polygon with 37 sides?

(37-2)*180 = 35*180 = 6300 degrees

If the sum of the interior angles of a polygon equals 1080 degree's what is the measure of each interior angle of the polygon?

Sum of interior angles = (n-2)*180 degrees = 1080 deg So (n-2) = 1080/180 = 6 => n = 8. The polygon is, therefore, an octagon. However, there is no reason to assume that the interior angles of this polygon are all the same - they could all be different with the only constraint being their sum. IF, and that is a big if, the polygon were regular, then all its angles would be equal and each interior angle = 1080/8 = 135 degrees.