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Q: What is the positive and negative implications of personal data storage on your privacy and utility?
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This provision is presumably to prevent or investigate crime. However, the availability of such information, which is personal in nature, with the cyber café could have negative implications on the right to privacy and personal security of the user.

What are negative and positive rights?

Negative rights are rights that are respected by inaction. For example, privacy is a negative right since people can respect your right to privacy by not doing things that violate your privacy. Positive rights are rights that require action to respect it. For example, health care would be a positive right because if you have a right to healthcare, people have to actually work to respect that right by providing health care.

Negative impact of information technology?

Information technology has negatively impacted society. These negative effects include: the invasion of privacy, less employment and digital socialization which reduces personal interactions.

What is a web privacy seal?

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What are the differences between positive and negative databases?

There are two different contexts is which these terms are used; the first is regarding "reputation", a positive database contains entries correponding to entities with good, or at least not bad, reputation. A negative database has the entries corresponding to entities with decidedly bad reputation. In the second context, a positive database is what you normally thing a database to be, say entries containing names and credit-card numbers; a negative database contains all of the possible entries not included in the positive database, i.e., all possible name-creditcard combination except the ones in the positive DB. In fact a negative database has all possible character combinations (or for that matter bit combinations) of a given length that are not present in the negative db. This scheme has a potential for data security and personal privacy.

What are privacy incidents?

privacy incidents are personal matters or particulars which are deal with personally

What is important in personal life?

to have privacy

What is needed to establish that government action is a search?

Societal recognition that a personal expectation of privacy is reasonable and the exhibition of a personal subjective expectation of privacy. ;)

What does the privacy act require and individual be given when personal information be collected and maintained?

Privacy Act Statement

What does the privacy act require individuals be given when personal information be given and maintained?

Privacy Act Statement

The Privacy Act require that an individual be given what when personal information will be collected and maintained?

Privacy Act Statement

What does the privacy act require an individual be given when personal information will be collected and maintained?

Privacy Act Statement