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Positives: enhances quality of life for the patient (and their families/friends), provides employment for many people in the NHS/health service, provides interesting information on how the human body reacts to immunological challenges, enhances scientific understanding.

Negatives: Cost (they are expensive, however improved quality of life which results from the transplant is always seen to outweigh the cost). And the risks involved in the surgery and post-op: anaesthesia risks, infection, allergic reactions, rejection risk, scarring (obviously!). Most patients will experience a period of weakness/illness immediately after transplant, which usually includes some vomiting. This lasts 2-3 weeks, but is a slight negative of organ transplants (not that this reason would actually put anybody off if they needed a transplant.) Some patients may find it difficult to adapt psychologically to a transplant, which may require some counselling (however patients are always screened beforehand to assess their ability to handle a transplant psychologically - this process does minimise the issue from arising. )

The necessity of long term medication post transplant could be seen as a negative, but I consider it a negative "as the result of organ transplantation aftercare" (i.e a negative that happens afterwards) rather than a negative of organ transplantation.

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